Non-Integrated Price Promotions Increase Premium Product Choices
Recent research by Jia et al. reveals that non-integrated promotions, like coupons, can increase consumer preference for higher-priced products.
RGM Capability Roadmap – Your Roadmap to RGM Excellence
Developing a company-wide core capability in revenue growth management poses a significant challenge for Consumer-Packaged-goods companies.
Simplify to Amplify
Penetration Propels Expansion
Despite the importance of loyalty, it is intriguing to note that existing buyers do not appear to be the main driver for brand growth.
Survive & Thrive In a Post-Inflation World
The Power of Purchase Limits
Purchase limits act as anchors where consumers tend to adjust their purchase quantity downwards from the communicated purchase limit.
Price Promotion Mechanics Matter
Adding unit-based anchors to price promotions mechanic (2 for €5.00) increases volume uplift by 32% compared to single price offs.
Anchors Can Increase Willingness to Pay
Adding a high priced product to an existing assortment increases willingness to pay as the high priced item(s) will make the regular priced items appear cheaper.
Consumer Response to Downsizing
Consumers consistently under-estimate pack size changes, especially if it involves changes in all three dimensions (width, height and depth).
Price Is The Key Driver of Profitability
With consumers average price recall errors ranging from 6% – 20%, arguably price is one of the most effective levers to pull when trying to grow the profitability of your business.
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