Connecting the Dots

RGM Consulting
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We have helped some of the world’s largest companies generate profitable growth opportunities, develop revenue growth management capabilities and land growth initiatives in the market.



Our firm is uniquely positioned to help our clients create distinctive, lasting and substantial impact on both top- and bottom-line 


We have mastered the art of creative pragmatism. This helps our teams combine the bold spirit of innovators with the clear vision of realists to spark innovative ways of thinking and to partner with our clients to help solve their most pressing growth challenges.


All of our client facing experts have been high-performing members of the marketing, sales and / or revenue growth management teams of the clients we serve. This helps us seperate theory from practice, relevant from irrelevant, and practical from impracticable for our clients.


We strive for simplicity in everything that we do, from the ideas that we present, the plans we create, to the language that we use. This helps us identify & implement solutions to our clients problems as well as transfer knowledge in an efficient and effective manner.

Our Experience

Project Engagements Succesfully Completed

Million Euros Of Incremental Revenue Identified


Of The World's Top 10 Consumer Goods Companies Have Worked With Us

Examples Of Our Work

Trade Investment Reset

We have helped the European business unit of a leading home care company reset their trade investments for their most unprofitable customers across a selected number of geographical regions.

Impact: over 1,000 basis points of incremental operating margin identified within two months.

Annual Growth Plans

We have helped a leading fast mover consumer goods companies launch and run an analytics hub, which supported marketing, sales and revenue management teams with the creation of their growth plans.

The Result: over 100 basis points of incremental revenue (700 m/euros) identified in about 18 months.

Market Entry Strategy

We have helped a leading e-tailer in the fashion industry identify the next set of markets as part of their international expansion roadmap by evaluating market attrractiveness, ease of entry and investment requirements.

The result: 20+ markets longlisted, 3 market shortlisted, 2 market recommended for expansion.

Innovation Roadmap

We have helped leading footwear and apparel brands map innovations based on their innovation strategy & priorities, conduct start-up due diligence, and pilot the innovations in their value chain.

The result: over 100+ innovators mapped, 50+ reviewed, 25+ shortlisted and 3 collaborative pilots initiated.

Our Insights & Publications

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Together, we will achieve extraordinary outcomes.

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